" ...The scriptures are laid before thee, yea, and all things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator."
This to me is so powerful because all of the small things we look at each day are proof that God is real. The way that everything seems to work together and so much of it is for our benefit. The story goes on that this wasn't enough proof for the man he still wanted to see a sign so that eventually lead to his death. This scripture means so much to me because at those times where you feel down, maybe because you haven't seen the grass for the last 5 months because there is too much snow or it has been below 30 for the last 6 weeks straight, what a joy it is when things warm up, the snow starts to melt and we can see that God hasn't forgotten us! If we look high or low we will always be able to see that God is still around and making good things happen all around us.
Montana's mountains and many other things always denote to me that there HAS to be a God! Just take a look around. His hand can be seen in everything!